Young boy laying on the floor reading a book
What My Kids Are Reading This Summer
My wife and I are avid readers. So it’s probably no surprise that our kids...
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colorful wall
My Favorite Personality Test
Personality assessments are everywhere. Between the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, CliftonStrengths, and the 52 others out there,...
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Love sign
What Is Love? (Baby, Don’t Hurt Me.)
What is love? Is it … A feeling? An action? An invention by Hallmark for...
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The Primary Way God Works in Your Life
When your left elbow itches, what happens? First, the elbow sends a message to your...
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Finding God’s Will in Two Simple Questions
There’s a myth out there that there’s a sacred privilege for a few Christians who...
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My Tribute to My Mother
As you may know, Pastor J.D.'s mother, Carol, passed away on Monday, April, 11. The...
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Spiritual Gifts Are How Jesus Continues His Ministry
Jesus promised that after he was gone, he would continue to build his church. By...
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Four Things We Proclaim When We Take Communion
Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 11, For I received from the Lord what I also...
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Three Goals Every Church Must Have
Earlier this year, when the Winter Olympics were going on, I read about the most...
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Idolatry Corrupts, but God Is Faithful.
In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul ties idolatry to all kinds of corrupted behavior, imploring us...
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