What to Do When the World Around You Crumbles
What will you do when you realize that the foundations of your life aren’t as...
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We Want a Map. God Gives Us a Relationship.
A friend of mine was a track athlete in high school, finishing in the top...
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God Is My Air Tank
What do you fear most? Whose opinion do you most worry about? Most of us...
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The Only Light That Reveals AND Heals
Growing up, there were two things I needed to feel safe at night: The first...
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How to Be an “Enoch” in Your Generation
The Bible doesn’t really tell us a lot about the man named Enoch. His story...
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The Only Way to Be 100 Percent Sure of Jesus
Many of us live in fear, with this sense that we are all alone in...
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A Lesson from 5-Year-Old J.D. Greear
I have a terrible sense of direction. I get turned around easily and often—and in...
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The God We Crave
I once read the story of a man named Kevin, who had an interesting encounter...
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Jesus Isn’t Looking for the Best People. He’s Looking for the Right Ones.
One of the greatest sports movies of all time has to be the 2004 movie...
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A Restful Pursuit
My wife loves a plush, bright, neatly manicured lawn. I do too. The trouble is,...
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