Four Components of a True Confession
The path of repentance begins with confrontation and leads to confession, reassurance, and finally, restoration....
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Believe the Gospel. Become the Gospel.
One of my favorite movie scenes of all time is Liam Neeson’s portrayal of the...
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The Wrong (and Right) Way to Worship
Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve liked the story found in 2 Samuel 6....
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The Only Logical Response to God’s Presence
Let’s say there was a person in possession of something of the utmost value, perhaps...
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David Isn’t the King You Need
King David was described, early in 1 Samuel, as “a man after God’s own heart”...
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Worship Isn’t About Your Feelings
When David describes his response of worship in 2 Samuel 6, he uses the word...
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A Time to Come Together: The Unintended Effects of the Law Amendment
In 2010 Nancy Pelosi urged Congress to pass all 828 pages of Obamacare regulations just...
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What’s the Correct Style of Worship?
Picture this: I was preaching in this little church and a Pentecostal woman, sitting about...
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Is God’s Glory on Your Priority List?
You learn a lot about people when they die. For instance, you find out how...
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How to Break the Spell of Money
If you grew up in church, you know the story of Zacchaeus. He was a...
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