Know Your Spiritual Enemy
It’s hard to believe that this year will mark 20 years since the terrorist attacks...
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Four Ways the “Apocalypse” Guys Are Actually Right
As a kid, I lived in a perpetual state of anxiety about Jesus coming back...
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Four Questions to Determine If You’re a Disciple
For the first Christians who heard, “Take up your cross” (Luke 9:23), it was not...
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When God’s Answers Don’t Match Our Expectations
I’m guessing neither Simeon nor Anna was thinking that a helpless baby, born to a...
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God Built This House With That Storm in Mind
What thing in your life, if taken away, would make life not worth living? What...
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The Demon of Self-improvement
In biblical days, Jewish law demanded rigorous cleaning techniques after you’d gotten rid of any...
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Seven Signs of Money Sickness
In much of the developed world, and particularly in the U.S., greed is part of...
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Three Traits of a Disciple-making Disciple
There is no such thing as a Christ-follower who isn’t actively engaged in God’s mission...
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Answering the Top 10 Questions in the Abortion Debate
The disciples, like many people in Jewish culture, did not value children as much as...
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What Grace Does That Religion Can’t
Grace confuses and offends religious people because people who have worked hard and kept the...
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