Some Thoughts After the 2020 Election
By all accounts, this has been a strange year. So perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us...
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A Wasted Life or a Worthy One?
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, What Are You Going to Do With...
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“Thy Kingdom Come” or “My Kingdom Come”?
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, What Are You Going to Do With...
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God Does His Greatest Work Through Simple Acts of Obedience
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, What Are You Going to Do With...
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Being a “Gospel Above All” Christian in Your Approach to Social Media
The Gospel Is the Center What do we mean when we say “gospel above all”?...
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When Peace and Unity Seem Impossible
There is a sweet peace in giving up the responsibility to control everything and the...
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Relationships: Choose Character Over Chemistry
When it comes to relationships, our culture says physical attraction is everything. But according to...
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Give Jesus Your Worries (and Don’t Take Them Back)
In Luke 18 Jesus tells the story of two men that went into the temple...
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Don’t Fear Satan, But Don’t Ignore Him Either
When the famous Maasai warriors in Kenya notice the sheep they are tending are suddenly...
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Sex Is Not the Best Part of Life
Our culture says sex is an essential part of life. Not just good, but literally...
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