What’s More Important Than Years of Sermons?
In 1976, my mom and dad settled in Winston-Salem after moving from West Virginia so...
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Is Jesus Your Lord or Your Advisor?
Tim Keller once said that our society determines what is right and wrong based on...
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Four Ways to Tame Your Tongue
Imagine there was a monitor attached to the side of your head. At any moment,...
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(Don’t) Follow Your Heart
A few years ago, the car I was driving started to have an awful smell....
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Four Ways Satan Moves You From Desire to Death
Sin starts small, as a desire deep in our hearts. But as it grows, it...
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What Will You Do With Your Suffering?
There was a popular saying when I was younger: “That which doesn’t kill me makes...
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Kill Sin or It Will Kill You
When I moved into my former house, one of the first things my dad pointed...
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You Can Break the Cycle—But You Have to Act
Larry Crabb has an old book called The Silence of Adam, in which he makes...
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Four Steps on the Path to Repentance
Like many of you, I watched—with a mixture of intrigue and horror—the trial of Alex...
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Four Components of a True Confession
The path of repentance begins with confrontation and leads to confession, reassurance, and finally, restoration....
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