Four Ways to Follow Satan
What do you do when the path you’re on takes an expected turn for the...
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The Three Faiths of Job
I recently read Dallas Willard’s Life Without Lack, his last book, written posthumously based on...
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Five Commands from 1 Corinthians
As Paul closes the book of 1 Corinthians, he summarizes everything he’s taught with five...
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Four Ways to Wait
In the last verse of Psalm 23, David declares, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow...
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hands facing palms up
How Much Do I Have to Give? (And Other Common Giving Questions)
Giving is all over Scripture. Over and over and over again, people respond to God’s...
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The Best Books I’ve Read This Year
Pastor J.D. is one of those guys who likes to take a break from a...
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Young boy laying on the floor reading a book
What My Kids Are Reading This Summer
My wife and I are avid readers. So it’s probably no surprise that our kids...
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The Primary Way God Works in Your Life
When your left elbow itches, what happens? First, the elbow sends a message to your...
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Finding God’s Will in Two Simple Questions
There’s a myth out there that there’s a sacred privilege for a few Christians who...
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Five Forgotten Habits for Spiritual Growth
The following article originally appeared on, a ministry of Turning Point with Dr. David...
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