No Matter Your Age, God’s Still Got a Mission for You
When Daniel was well over 80 years old, he was still living in captivity in...
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Is Jesus Wrong … Or Do You Just Not Like Him?
When Jesus drove out a mute demon and the man spoke, “the crowds were amazed....
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Money, Sex, and Power: How Christians Look Different
The book of Daniel can be summed up in one sentence: If you want to...
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Why We Speak Up for the Preborn
When he told the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus explained that it is the...
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A Statement about My Sermon on Romans 1
Well, in the immortal words of Al Pacino: "Just when I think I’m out… they...
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Preoccupied. Superficial. Religious. Which Are You?
If you’ve ever driven along the Blue Ridge Parkway, you might have seen a sign...
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The Scandal of Grace: Jesus Loves Bad People
Martin Luther said that, since the fall, our hearts have been hard-wired with a “wages”...
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Let Jesus Turn Your Grave Into a Garden
Our sin, Scripture says, has not only put a curse over us; it has released...
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Submit to God or Conform to Culture
Following Jesus is counter-cultural in every society, though often in different ways. In some cultures,...
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Two Conditions for Real Spiritual Power
Most of us have things about ourselves we’d like to change, but many of us...
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