SBC 2024: What Comes Next?
I’m still a little weary from all of the travel and excitement of this year’s...
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The Southern Baptist Convention’s Defining Moment: The Law Amendment and The Great Commission Resurgence
Every year at the SBC it seems like we hear talk about this being “the...
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Why Doesn’t God Answer All Our Prayers for Healing?
Jim Cymbala, author of Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, once said, “The great battle of our...
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How to Know If God Hates Your Wealth
A couple of years ago, my wife and I visited some missionaries in Germany. One...
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Should We Anoint People in the Church Today?
Toward the tail end of the book of James, there’s a brief and enigmatic command:...
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Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayers?
This is an excerpt from a book that released TODAY! It's called 12 Truths and...
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What Does Jesus Think About Year-end Giving?
As a pastor, some of the best (and most challenging) questions I get from people...
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How Could a Good God Send Someone to Hell?
This is an excerpt from a book I've got coming out in a few weeks, 12...
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Isn’t the Bible’s Morality Outdated?
This is an excerpt from a book I've got coming out in a few weeks, 12...
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A Time to Come Together: The Unintended Effects of the Law Amendment
In 2010 Nancy Pelosi urged Congress to pass all 828 pages of Obamacare regulations just...
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