Worried? Replace Your What-ifs With Even-ifs
Jesus once asked, “Can any of you add one moment to his life span by...
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What Rogue One Teaches Us About God
Paul had seconded his story to a grander story that he was sure would end...
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God Doesn’t Want a Venmo Relationship With You
My youth pastor growing up encouraged us to offer our lives as “blank checks” to...
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We Don’t Serve a God of Scarcity
Are you a saver or a spender? Both kinds of people look to money to...
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Kick the Bucket List
I often hear people today talk about “bucket lists.” You know, all those things you...
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What It Really Means to Have Our Minds Transformed
The Apostle Paul may or may not have known all this about butterflies. But he...
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Beware the Complacency of “Once Saved, Always Saved”
We have two seemingly contradictory truths: On the one hand, the Bible says that once...
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In Suffering, the Unimaginable Is Still True
The vision the Apostle Paul describes in Romans is a vision that produces in us...
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What to Do When You Have More Than Enough
During the wilderness journey of the Israelites, God covered the ground every morning with bread...
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This Nine-question Quiz Will Ruin Your Day
The Apostle Paul says that at the core of all our sin is idolatry. He...
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