Michael Jordan, Jesus, and a Ton of Fish: In the Presence of Greatness
When I was in middle school, I got to meet Michael Jordan. At the height...
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Four Questions to Determine If You’re a Disciple
For the first Christians who heard, “Take up your cross” (Luke 9:23), it was not...
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God Built This House With That Storm in Mind
What thing in your life, if taken away, would make life not worth living? What...
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Give Jesus Your Worries (and Don’t Take Them Back)
In Luke 18 Jesus tells the story of two men that went into the temple...
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Follow Jesus, Expect Suffering
There’s a reason prosperity gospel preachers don’t spend much time preaching from 1 Peter. In...
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As You’re Waiting, God Is Working
When you read from the Prophets and Psalms, you may be struck with how much...
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Why Narcissists Can’t Find the Will of God
If I ever had the chance to ask the Apostle Paul what his purpose was,...
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Are You an Immigrant, Tourist, or Exile?
Peter wrote his first letter to a church whose world had been turned upside down...
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Have You Ever Been Cut to the Heart?
You are cut to the heart when you realize that it was your sin that...
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Worried? Replace Your What-ifs With Even-ifs
Jesus once asked, “Can any of you add one moment to his life span by...
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