How to Slam the Door in Satan’s Face
When it comes to demons, I’ve found that most Christians believe there are only two...
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Satan Has a Plan for Your Life
Demonic activity rarely looks like what we see in the movies—knocking things over or two...
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God’s Sense of Humor, Teaching Kids the Bible, & How Is Your Prayer Life?
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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You May Not Know What to Pray, but the Holy Spirit Does
Faith means trusting God even when you can’t see him. As the Apostle Paul says...
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When You Feel Like Your Prayers Aren’t Working
Never, ever give up on the people you’re praying will start walking with Jesus. Even...
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The Holy Spirit and The Gift of Tongues
This weekend’s message, based on 1 Corinthians 14, was on the controversial topic of “tongues.”...
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Filled With The Holy Spirit: What, When, and How
Sunday's message was on being filled by the Spirit. We looked at Eph 5:18-20 to...
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