Stand Secure in the Love of Abba Father
Nearly every language has a short repetitive word for “father.” Who comes up with these...
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When You Feel Like Your Prayers Aren’t Working
Never, ever give up on the people you’re praying will start walking with Jesus. Even...
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What It Means to Be “More Than a Conqueror”
It’s interesting that in Romans 8:35, Paul lists affliction and distress and persecution and famine and nakedness...
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Five Ways to Fight Sin
Trying to tame sin rather than killing it is as silly as people making pets...
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Four Ways Every Believer Can Live Sent
We were no more worthy of this message than anyone around the world—but God blessed...
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Bring Your Pain to God: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow
Many Christians believe that if we live like we are supposed to, we can avoid—or...
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The Scandal of Gospel Inclusivity
Salvation through Jesus Christ does not distinguish by ethnicity, economic background, education level, religious history,...
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How God Makes You Into Sweet Tea
There are only two approaches to God: the sweet tea approach and the try-to-sweeten-unsweet-iced-tea approach....
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Why You Don’t Have to Fear in the Valley
The “valley of the shadow of death” does not sound like a great place to...
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I’ve Been Forgiven. Now What?
Christians believe that God has forgiven their sins. But what difference does this actually make...
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