Isn’t the Bible’s Morality Outdated?
This is an excerpt from a book I've got coming out in a few weeks, 12...
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A Time to Come Together: The Unintended Effects of the Law Amendment
In 2010 Nancy Pelosi urged Congress to pass all 828 pages of Obamacare regulations just...
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How Should We Think About Disfellowshipping Churches In the SBC That Have Women as Pastors?
Next week, more than 12,000 Great Commission Baptists will be in New Orleans for the...
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plants sprouting
What Will Our Resurrection Bodies Be Like?
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul doesn’t fully answer our questions about the resurrection, but he...
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When Should I Not Take Communion?
In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul says, “Let a person examine himself … for whoever eats the...
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What Church Unity Is … and Isn’t
In churches that are reaching unchurched people, there are always going to be issues of...
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The Anatomy of Doubt and the Answer to Doubt
The following article by David Platt is reposted with permission. The original, "Battling Our Doubts:...
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Four Reasons Church Discipline Is Actually Loving
In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul rebukes the church in Corinth for neglecting to discipline those...
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Is Jesus Wrong … Or Do You Just Not Like Him?
When Jesus drove out a mute demon and the man spoke, “the crowds were amazed....
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The Church, Money, and Awkwardness
Talking about money in the church is awkward because it often feels like self-serving. Of...
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