New Life Begins at the Empty Tomb
When you complete one of those health and ancestry kits that you order online, it...
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Come and See. Then Go and Tell.
The evidence for the resurrection is clear for all who want to see it. When...
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Beware the Complacency of “Once Saved, Always Saved”
We have two seemingly contradictory truths: On the one hand, the Bible says that once...
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Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah, the long-awaited King. They tried to redefine him, but...
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Your Religious Sincerity Won’t Save You
The Jews’ problem, Paul says, is not that they lack zeal for God. Paul says...
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God Saves Us for His Glory
One of the most common objections to evangelical Christianity today is the question of why...
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Stand Secure in the Love of Abba Father
Nearly every language has a short repetitive word for “father.” Who comes up with these...
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The Gospel Is Freedom From Performing and Pretending
The religious life sometimes feels like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. Every once...
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Every Master (But One) Leads to a Living Death
When we allow sin to gain dominance in our lives, we start to experience death,...
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The Cross Wasn’t Just About God’s Love
There are a number of more liberal theologians today who buck against the idea that...
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