Bring Your Pain to God: Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow
Many Christians believe that if we live like we are supposed to, we can avoid—or...
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The Scandal of Gospel Inclusivity
Salvation through Jesus Christ does not distinguish by ethnicity, economic background, education level, religious history,...
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How God Makes You Into Sweet Tea
There are only two approaches to God: the sweet tea approach and the try-to-sweeten-unsweet-iced-tea approach....
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Why You Don’t Have to Fear in the Valley
The “valley of the shadow of death” does not sound like a great place to...
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Every Master (But One) Leads to a Living Death
When we allow sin to gain dominance in our lives, we start to experience death,...
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God Does His Greatest Work Through Simple Acts of Obedience
Throughout the book of Judges, we see time and time again that God brings down...
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Three Critical Truths On The Problem Of Suffering
The “problem of suffering” is not a new one, but it trips a lot of...
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Jesus’ Sovereignty Does Not Keep Him from Weeping With Us
In John 11 Jesus responded in two very different ways to two sisters, Mary and Martha,...
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A Loving God and Pointless Evil
Some quotes following this weekend's message on The Disappointed: “I think that if, in fact,...
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Is the ‘problem of evil’ really a problem?
These are to whet your appetite for the fourth message in the "Can't Believe" series,...
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