Jesus’ Sovereignty Does Not Keep Him from Weeping With Us
In John 11 Jesus responded in two very different ways to two sisters, Mary and Martha,...
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A Loving God and Pointless Evil
Some quotes following this weekend's message on The Disappointed: “I think that if, in fact,...
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Taking The Journey of Grief With Hope
This weekend, in our Can’t Believe series, we’ll be looking at those who “can’t believe”...
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Is the ‘problem of evil’ really a problem?
These are to whet your appetite for the fourth message in the "Can't Believe" series,...
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What, exactly, is eternal life and how do you know that you have it?
The following is an excerpt from an article I was asked to contribute to the...
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When Jesus Offends You
The group in John 6 who "Can't Believe" are the "Shortsighted." Because they do not understand...
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I have forgotten what happiness is
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You Are Built For Awe
Both the majesty and the blindness of this video are staggering. The majesty speaks for...
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Mercy Hill GSO Launch!
A few months ago we sent out our most recent team to plant a church...
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Sinning Against Our Own Bodies
This weekend we continued our study of John by looking at those who “can’t believe”...
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