In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
For several years now, The Summit Church has been intentionally trying to grow in our...
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Resources for Sanctity of Life Sunday 2016
Tomorrow churches across the country will celebrate “Sanctity of Life Sunday,” a day in which...
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Developing a “Ministry Pipeline” for Families
Everyone who has been in ministry will tell you there are times that are simply...
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The Cost Will Be Great; The Reward Will Be Greater
I came across this Matt Papa song (again) recently. Incredibly powerful reminder of the importance...
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The Mission Is Waiting, and Christ Is Worth It
There is a myth among Christians today when it comes to the idea of calling....
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Surrender Is Different Than Sacrifice
God doesn’t need your money. I say that often at our church, because it’s a...
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Merry Christmas!
For those of you who missed it, we had 11,876 people pack the Durham Performing Arts...
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Three Truths About Why God Chose You
A lot of Christians seem to be lacking something. They can’t quite put their finger...
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3 Diagnostic Questions to Show Who Is Really Lord of Your Money
I rarely meet people who would consider themselves tight-fisted. Most of us would like to...
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Who Is Climbing The Mountains of Lostness?
For those of you here at the Summit, this weekend I asked an important question:...
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