The Mission Is Waiting, and Christ Is Worth It

There is a myth among Christians today when it comes to the idea of calling. Many of us are sitting around waiting for some “second call” before we really start to leverage our lives for the mission of God. The reality is that the call to follow Jesus included a call to follow him in his mission. The Great Commission was not a special calling for an elite few, but a mandate for every follower.

That’s why, here at the Summit, we say that the question is no longer whether you’re called to the mission of God—only where and how. Not all of us are supposed to go into full-time ministry, but God has given each of us something he expects us to leverage for the Great Commission. As we often say, “Do what you do well for the glory of God; and do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God.”

That’s why I’m challenging every one of our college students to take advantage of the opportunities we are providing for you in mission. I want you to consider two opportunities specifically: (1) Give one summer to one of our mission projects; and (2) spend the first two years after college as part of one of our church plants.

I know both of those opportunities sound intimidating. But ask one of the 300 students that did a summer project last year, and they’ll tell you that it transformed their lives. Or talk with one of the 100 students that has already committed to give his first two years post-graduation to a church plant, and they’ll tell you: “You’ve got to get a job somewhere. Why not get it where God is doing something strategic for his mission?”

No matter where you “end up” in life, you need to be able to win and disciple others. And these opportunities give you a season to train in that. It may feel like you’re sacrificing—because you aren’t pursuing that internship or jumping right into your career—but think of this as a way of giving God the firstfruits of your career. As Jesus said, if we seek the kingdom of God first, he promises to provide the rest (Matt 6:33).

I did both of these things (back when the options weren’t nearly as thrilling), and I’ll never regret the time I sacrificed before starting my “real” career. My life is testimony that Matthew 6:33 is true.

So regardless of where God is going to take you in the future, put your “yes” on the table now. The call has been given. The mission is waiting. And Christ is worth it.

For more about our college missions opportunities, or to sign up before the February 1st deadline, head over to