Satan Has a Plan for Your Life
Demonic activity rarely looks like what we see in the movies—knocking things over or two...
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His Sacrifice Motivates Our Service
In seminary, I was inspired by the story of two early Moravian missionaries, Johann Dober...
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Two Bizarre (and Powerful) Stories About the Devil
In the face of enormous, heinous, senseless evil, most of us sense, “There is something...
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It’s You. Hi. You’re the Problem. It’s You.
One thing we all have in common is that we experience conflict in relationships. It...
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Two Ways We Can Pray Like Elijah
Prayer is the means by which God gets his work done on earth. Elijah’s prayers...
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How to Make the Most of Your Mist
The story is told of a mother, two men, and a 14-year-old boy on a...
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Why Doesn’t God Answer All Our Prayers for Healing?
Jim Cymbala, author of Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, once said, “The great battle of our...
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(Don’t) Follow Your Heart
A few years ago, the car I was driving started to have an awful smell....
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The Best Parenting Advice I’ve Ever Gotten
During one particularly challenging season with one of our kids, I felt exasperated. It’s one...
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How to Know If God Hates Your Wealth
A couple of years ago, my wife and I visited some missionaries in Germany. One...
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