SBC 2024: What Comes Next?
I’m still a little weary from all of the travel and excitement of this year’s...
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The Southern Baptist Convention’s Defining Moment: The Law Amendment and The Great Commission Resurgence
Every year at the SBC it seems like we hear talk about this being “the...
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What I Learned by Crashing a 737
Several years ago, I had the amazing experience of flying a simulator at Southwest's pilot...
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Where Is Your Delight?
Toward the end of King David’s life, there’s a bizarre scene in which David decides...
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How to Slam the Door in Satan’s Face
When it comes to demons, I’ve found that most Christians believe there are only two...
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Satan’s Four Snares
It’s extremely significant that in the one place in the Gospels we see Jesus and...
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Is Jesus Your Lord or Your Advisor?
Tim Keller once said that our society determines what is right and wrong based on...
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Our Generation’s Identity Crisis
One of my favorite books is Sun Tzu’s Art of War, a military classic still...
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The One Secret to Building a Great Church
Our church planters often ask me, “What’s the one secret to building a great church?”...
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Four Ways to Tame Your Tongue
Imagine there was a monitor attached to the side of your head. At any moment,...
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