Four Reasons Heaven Is Better Than You Imagine
Jesus said that if we follow him, it will cost us everything—and, in the end,...
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How to Ruin Your Life
Think about your life as a Christian. Wasn’t there a time when you felt on...
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The Secret to Christian Faith: Rappel, Don’t Climb
In the Christian life, there are places of obedience we can never get over until...
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Four Practical Steps to Make a Lasting Legacy
Do you want to leave a lasting legacy that will point others to eternity long...
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What to Do When the World Around You Crumbles
What will you do when you realize that the foundations of your life aren’t as...
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The Eternal Dividing Line in Our Churches
When my kids were younger, my wife, Veronica, and I took the whole family to...
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What Is More Reliable Than Your Eyes or Your Heart?
If I had to name three Bible stories that everyone in America knows, the story...
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We Want a Map. God Gives Us a Relationship.
A friend of mine was a track athlete in high school, finishing in the top...
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God Is My Air Tank
What do you fear most? Whose opinion do you most worry about? Most of us...
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My Favorite Books of 2024
Christmas isn’t quite here yet, but if you’re anything like me, you’re already starting to...
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