Satan Has a Plan for Your Life
Demonic activity rarely looks like what we see in the movies—knocking things over or two...
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Two Bizarre (and Powerful) Stories About the Devil
In the face of enormous, heinous, senseless evil, most of us sense, “There is something...
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Four Ways to Follow Satan
What do you do when the path you’re on takes an expected turn for the...
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Two Ways the Devil Is at Work Today
Though the 20th century saw a lot of moral and technological advancement, it was still...
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Know Your Spiritual Enemy
It’s hard to believe that this year will mark 20 years since the terrorist attacks...
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Don’t Fear Satan, But Don’t Ignore Him Either
When the famous Maasai warriors in Kenya notice the sheep they are tending are suddenly...
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You Aren’t a Slave, so Stop Acting Like One
Before we received Christ, sin held us captive. We couldn’t stop sinning. But that’s not...
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Four Things God Promises When He Says, “I Will Protect You”
As you read through the amazing promises of Psalm 91, do you ever have doubts...
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Seven Ways to Overcome Satan
The Bible makes it clear: We’re in a battle. It’s a battle we can’t escape...
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What’s the Big Deal with Satan?
Thousands of ships carrying 160,000 Allied troops approached the beaches of Normandy, France. From ship...
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