When Jesus Offends You
The group in John 6 who "Can't Believe" are the "Shortsighted." Because they do not understand...
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30 from Summit deployed overseas in last 3 months, 40 more in the pipeline!
Yesterday Curt Alan, our Missions Pastor here at the Summit, gave me this report. Wow....
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Are we raising up volunteers or leaders?
Last week I read a great article on the Catalyst website which asked whether churches were...
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“Should We Stop Asking Jesus Into Our Hearts?” // Christianity Today
Christianity Today very graciously asked me to contribute to the "Sinner's Prayer" discussion by distilling...
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Am I Really Saved?
The following is an excerpt from an upcoming book I'll be releasing with B&H Publishing...
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Most creative presentation of the Gospel to Muslims I’ve seen
Wow. This is theology and apologetics on fire. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X9c_LNwqtU&feature=youtu.be If you're interested in learning more...
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The Generosity Matrix
When it comes to our money, I see six principles the Bible puts forward. Any...
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In light of global lostness, excellence must be balanced by “good enough.”
I hear it said a lot that because God deserves our best (which he does),...
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The “Problem of Goodness”
Thought this was a great piece by Chuck Colson in Christianity Today on why naturalism...
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Confession of a Pastor: I hate fasting
That is true. At least, it used to be. It still is a little. But...
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