A Call To Prayer from SE Asia
We at the Summit Church are highly committed to reaching the nations with the gospel...
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Feeling Christ’s Wounds Changes Us Forever
I feel bad for the apostle Thomas. He gets a bad rap. One instance of...
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Wisdom For Your Weekend – 1/18/13
What has J.D. been around the web this week? Video of the Week A Nation...
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Summit Chapel Hill Campus – Now With Three Services!
Summit, we had well over 1,100 people at our newest campus launch in Chapel Hill...
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Thanks to Incredible @SummitRDU Volunteers for the Chapel Hill Campus Launch
Yesterday at the 9:00am Chapel Hill Campus, we closed the doors and sent an estimated...
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Wisdom For Your Weekend – 1/11/13
What has J.D. been reading from around the web this week? Book Review of the...
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Don’t Miss Advance The Church 13!
On March 19–21, pastors and leaders from around the country will gather in Raleigh-Durham, NC,...
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Religious Atheism?
This guest post comes to you courtesy of Chris Pappalardo, The Summit's Pastoral Research Assistant....
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Wisdom For Your Weekend – 1/4/13
Each Friday J.D. has started to share a small snapshot of what he has been...
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What Exactly Is Belief?
The following is an excerpt from an upcoming book I'll be releasing with B&H Publishing...
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