The Generosity Matrix
Instead of giving us a universal rule, the Bible teaches us to view our possessions...
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How to Be Like Christ When You’re Slandered
When the Apostle Peter said Christians should expect to be slandered and mistreated as evildoers,...
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There’s No Such Thing As “Good Enough”
My family loves the movie The Greatest Showman. It’s the (highly embellished) account of P.T....
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Jesus Isn’t Your Supporting Actor
What’s the point of your life? We’re on this earth, the Apostle Peter says, to...
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What Newborns, the Bible, and Your Health Have in Common
Babies grow by drinking milk—lots of it. They don’t take in one glass on Sunday...
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The Believer’s Hope: Know Christ, Be Like Christ, Be With Christ
In his first letter, the Apostle Peter says that, in the resurrection, we have a...
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What to Read During Your Summer Quarantine
Will quarantine continue throughout the summer? We certainly hope not. But we’ve learned enough by...
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God Loves You and Keeps His Promises. Is That Enough for You?
In his first letter to the church members scattered in exile, Peter urges believers to...
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Don’t Look for Contentment Like You Used to
Before you came to Christ, your life aspirations arose from a wrong way of looking...
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Why Narcissists Can’t Find the Will of God
If I ever had the chance to ask the Apostle Paul what his purpose was,...
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