Isn’t Christianity Just Wishful Thinking?
The following excerpt is adapted from a book I'm releasing on February 1, Essential Christianity:...
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It Starts With Surrender
The prophet Samuel was second string when it came to ministry. He wasn’t from the...
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The Easiest Way to Reject God
In the Bible, there’s no time in Israel’s history where they wanted to totally walk...
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When the Bible Makes You Mad
Why do you read the Bible? Do you go to it for encouragement? For comfort?...
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Jesus Defeated …
You may be familiar with the story of Joseph, but have you ever read it...
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The Better Bread
Picture a flock of sheep in a green pasture. What do they normally do there?...
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compass on a rock
How to Follow the Spirit Like an Apostle
One of the things I love most in reading Paul’s letters is the little biographical...
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colorful wall
My Favorite Personality Test
Personality assessments are everywhere. Between the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, CliftonStrengths, and the 52 others out there,...
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How to Identify Counterfeit Gospels
When I ordered from a clearance website that offered a deal of “$25 each when...
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The Scandal of Grace: Jesus Loves Bad People
Martin Luther said that, since the fall, our hearts have been hard-wired with a “wages”...
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