Is God’s Glory on Your Priority List?
You learn a lot about people when they die. For instance, you find out how...
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Who Is Jesus, Really?
The story goes that a little boy wanted a bicycle very badly, but he didn’t...
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What Does It Mean That Jesus Is Light?
When God created the world, he used a wand. No, that’s not right. When God...
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Why Justice and Generosity Go Hand in Hand
The first (and only) time we meet Zacchaeus, he’s up a tree, trying to catch...
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Upgrade to the Platinum Rule
Most of us live according to the “natural rule” or “flesh rule”: Do unto others...
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True Wealth Is Staring You in the Face
If you stumbled onto a flux capacitor—you know, like the one in Back to the...
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God Isn’t Your Pimp
Most of us, when we hear Jesus say, “Blessed are you who are poor, for...
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How to Seek God’s Will (and Not Seek God)
In 1 Samuel 28, King Saul’s fear and insecurity rear their ugly heads as he...
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Not the King We’re Looking For
As I read the story of David, I find myself wishing he had been a...
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How to Know You’ve Substituted Religion for Repentance
Israel’s first king, Saul, had such promise at the beginning of his life. But read...
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