Resources for Sanctity of Life Sunday 2016
Tomorrow churches across the country will celebrate “Sanctity of Life Sunday,” a day in which...
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Still Striving to Be “One Nation Under God”
I’ve often said that for Christian leaders, politics is like a skunk: touch it and...
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Four Myths about Christian Political Engagement
In case you’re keeping count, we are now a mere 371 days away from the...
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Trying to Respond Like Jesus to the SCOTUS Pronouncement on Same-Sex Marriage
Many Summit members have asked how to respond to last Friday's Supreme Court legislation of...
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Grieving and Praying with Our Brothers & Sisters in Charleston
As we grieve with our brothers and sisters in Charleston, SC, at Emanuel AME Church,...
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Same-Sex Attraction: Concluding Thoughts
This is the last of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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How Do I Love My Gay Friend?
This is the fourth of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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What Do I Do If I’m Attracted to People of the Same Sex?
This is the third of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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Is Same-Sex Attraction Wrong? If So, Why?
This is the second of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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How Should the Church Talk About Same-Sex Attraction?
This is the first of a five-part blog series on same-sex attraction. Be sure to...
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