Three Christian Misconceptions About Muslims
When the average Westerner hears “Muslim,” a number of images come to mind—mostly negative. But...
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Three Muslim Misconceptions About Christians
The history of Islam and Christianity is hardly an amiable one. Many people from both...
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Why We Fail to Progress Past Ferguson
With all the developments of Ferguson and now the tragic Eric Garner case, I’ve been...
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Rosaria Butterfield’s Interview & My Talk from the ERLC Conference
I was one of several men and women invited to participate in the Ethics and...
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Halloween Is Awesome … or Awful: Romans 14 & Matters of Conscience
Ask if Christians should celebrate Halloween and you're likely to get mixed responses. On one...
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Why Can’t Evangelicals and Evolution Just Get Along, Already?
“I don’t personally have a problem with religious faith, even in the extreme, as long...
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What’s the Deal with the “T” in LGBT?
Recently California governor Jerry Brown caused a stir by signing into law the first bill...
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Our Hope in the Trayvon Martin Incident
I thought Al Mohler had a stirring and insightful piece about the verdict in the...
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The Deadly Myth of the Consenting Adult
The following excerpts are from a thought-provoking article about government and ethics, “The Deadly Myth...
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W4YW — Thinking about What Happened This Week: Same-Sex Marriage and the American Church
On Wednesday, five members of the Supreme Court struck down a 1996 decision by the...
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