8 December, 2020
Series: Multiply
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
Abraham is given the ultimate test of surrender and sacrifice as Pastor J.D. Greear concludes the series called, Multiply. God is committed to us far more than we could ever imagine.
7 December, 2020
Series: Multiply
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
Pastor J.D. asks a few important diagnostic questions to determine your value systems and priorities. Are you more like Lot who valued his own self interests? Or are you more like Abraham who prioritized generosity?
4 December, 2020
Series: Multiply
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
Does God get your first and best? Where does he fall in your list of priorities? Pastor J.D. explains that whatever it is that gets our first and best reveals what serves as god in your life.
3 December, 2020
Series: Multiply
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
We’re looking at the life of one of the most important figures in human history. Pastor J.D. investigates how God multiplied Abraham’s life for eternal significance. How can our lives matter in a significant way as well?
2 December, 2020
Series: Multiply
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
See how serious God is about teaching us to live by faith. Before God can do something through us, he’s got to do something in us. Discover the path you must walk for God to multiply your life.
1 December, 2020
Series: Multiply
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
Pastor J.D. looks at the life of Abraham, a man who gives us a picture of how God wants to use all of us in the world. Abraham believed God for the impossible, and as a result, God multiplied his life.
30 November, 2020
Series: Together We Endure
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Peter
We come to the end of our time in 1 Peter. Our theme has been “together we endure”—together, we press through these tough times. The last few verses are about how not to simply survive in a hostile, cruel, chaotic world, but how to thrive.
27 November, 2020
Series: Together We Endure
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Peter
In the middle of summer heat you know how good a moment of shade can feel. Like when you’re in a parking lot and look for the one tree to park under. Our Scripture from First Peter tells us how to experience shade from the harsh heat of the world and how to provide that kind of shade for others.
26 November, 2020
Series: Together We Endure
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: 1 Peter
We’re jumping into a sensitive and controversial subject: the biblical roles of husbands and wives. God has a reason for the way he set things up, and it reflects his enduring, beautiful purpose for marriage.