21 December, 2020
Series: Upside Down Christmas
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Matthew
The nativity scene is often painted as a picturesque moment. But Pastor J.D. reminds us of the story behind that moment and all that Jesus’ birth really meant for Mary and Joseph.
18 December, 2020
Series: Upside Down Christmas
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Matthew
When most of us are reading the Bible, we tend to skim past the genealogies. But God had a very intentional reason for including these lists in the Bible!
17 December, 2020
Series: Upside Down Christmas
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Matthew
When we tell someone the Christmas story, most of us start with the angel appearing to Mary. But that’s not where the book of Matthew starts.
16 December, 2020
Series: Do Not Be Afraid
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
Christmas isn’t a luxury for those of us who feel at peace; it’s an answer for those of us who feel afraid. Learn how to overcome the fear of hopelessness.
15 December, 2020
Series: Do Not Be Afraid
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
Many of us think of the scene at Jesus’ birth as serene, tranquil, and . . . well, perfect. But Pastor J.D. shows us that something quite different dominated people’s hearts that very first Christmas—fear.
14 December, 2020
Series: Staying Faith
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Matthew
Change is scary. But Pastor J.D. explains that, if we want to do great things for God’s kingdom, it’s going to involve some risk!
11 December, 2020
Series: Staying Faith
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
An age-old question asks, “Do you own your things, or do your things own you?” And that’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Staying Faith.
10 December, 2020
Series: Staying Faith
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
For most people, money is one of the biggest stressors in our daily lives. But Pastor J.D. reminds us that God never intended for us to be slaves to wealth.
9 December, 2020
Series: Staying Faith
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Matthew
As Pastor J.D. kicks off a new series called, Staying Faith, we’re learning how to persevere to the end in the race of faith.