Come and See. Then Go and Tell.
The evidence for the resurrection is clear for all who want to see it. When...
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After Coronavirus, What Will the Church Be Remembered for?
In this season, when you’re tempted to isolate emotionally and spiritually as well as physically,...
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Worried? Replace Your What-ifs With Even-ifs
Jesus once asked, “Can any of you add one moment to his life span by...
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In Christ, You Have Everything You Need for Today
For many people, this is the first time in our lives we have been forced...
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What Good News Do We Have in the Midst of COVID-19?
Things we’ve taken for granted—our health, our jobs, the stock market, the security of loved...
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New Troubles Are Met With New Mercies
I don’t know about you, but when I read, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow...
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Nothing Is Certain Anymore—Nothing, That Is, But God’s Love
We are living in times when nearly everything we thought was certain is suddenly uncertain....
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How to Proclaim Hope in the Shadow of Death
In a matter of days, we will celebrate a holiday that has been at the...
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Don’t Just Make It Through Your Quarantine; Redeem Your Quarantine
During our broad shelter-in-place/stay-at-home efforts, we’ve entered a very strange season. As we wait for...
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Love Your Neighbor: Stay at Home
On the heels of disastrous events, the gospel has unprecedented opportunity. When God has done...
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