5 Crucial Truths For Following God In “Kairos” Moments
This weekend we continued our All-In series by looking at the life of Abraham. Abraham’s...
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Two New Words For Evangelizing Muslims
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Durham: It’s Not For Everyone… But It Is For Us — An Incredible Story of @SummitRDU Members Living Missionally in Downtown Durham
I think this video is nearly perfect in its balance between missional living as the...
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Are You All-In?
This weekend we started a new series called “All-In,” in which we’re going to look...
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Failure, Not Success, Makes A Leader Great
This weekend we finished our Can’t Believe series with a look at Peter. Peter is...
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The Conversion of Adoniram Judson
If you know me well, you know that Adoniram Judson is one of my heroes....
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Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart
Check out this short interview clip, about my upcoming book, Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart:...
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The Wounds Of Christ Scream Out For A Verdict
Two things are contrasted in John 18: the gravity of Jesus and the levity of...
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Why We Sometimes Baptize On the Spot
A few times a year we issue an invitation for hearers to be baptized on...
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Three Critical Truths On The Problem Of Suffering
The “problem of suffering” is not a new one, but it trips a lot of...
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