How Do I Stay in a Difficult Marriage?
Marriage, Jesus says, was designed by God to be a relationship in which two lives...
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Surviving Sodom: Four Lessons From Lot
When Lot chose the land to the East when Abraham went the opposite direction, no...
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Why Isn’t God Answering My Prayer?
Many of the blessings of God are released into our lives only through persistent, unrelenting...
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Two Ways the Devil Is at Work Today
Though the 20th century saw a lot of moral and technological advancement, it was still...
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What Church Unity Is … and Isn’t
In churches that are reaching unchurched people, there are always going to be issues of...
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Four Reasons Church Discipline Is Actually Loving
In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul rebukes the church in Corinth for neglecting to discipline those...
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Your Life vs. Your Lips: Which Demonstrates True Belief?
You can have all the right theology and still not enter the kingdom of heaven....
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How to Identify Counterfeit Gospels
When I ordered from a clearance website that offered a deal of “$25 each when...
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Three Essential Qualities of Christian Courage
Great things in the world are only accomplished through courage. Plenty of people have great...
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New Life Begins at the Empty Tomb
When you complete one of those health and ancestry kits that you order online, it...
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