Romans 8:28: Three Pillars of Hope in the Midst of Suffering
Romans 8:28 is one of the most well-known verses in the Bible: “We know that...
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Your Storms Are Real. But Jesus Is Bigger.
You and I are not facing the same kinds of persecution the Apostle John was...
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Online Shame Storms, Death and Hope at Christmas, & The Best (No Really) Books of 2018
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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In the Valley of Despair, Call to Mind God’s Goodness
Like any good father, God allows his children to go through some pain, but he...
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Humility and Hope: My Prayer for the Southern Baptist Convention
William Carey once said that the future is always as bright as the promises of...
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When “Better Days” Aren’t Ahead: Five Lessons of Life-Giving Hope
Many of us look around at our society and feel like Habakkuk could have been...
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Righteously Angry, Graciously Hopeful: In Light of Charlottesville
If we aren’t bothered by ideas that consider other people sub-human, we haven’t yet understood...
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You’re Bored with Jesus; Here’s Why
Many Christians are bored with Jesus. There’s no passion in their lives. They go through...
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