In the Church, Unmarried Doesn’t Mean Alone
While singleness can be a gift that allows you to be more devoted to God’s...
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Six Countercultural Resolutions for Dating
You’ve probably noticed this by now, but our culture isn’t doing awesome with the whole...
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Don’t Date in Isolation
Throughout most of history and in most cultures around the world, marriages were arranged; your...
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Think You Don’t Need a Church to Know Jesus? Think Again.
God uses his church to reach people. We need each other. We are, all of...
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Healing the Wounds of Shame
People around us are suffering, often profoundly, usually silently. We should desire to be churches...
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The Dangers of Perfectionism, What Should Change in Your Church, & the Rebirth of Community
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Plumb Line #10: Stay Where You Are, Serve Where You Live, Be the Church in Your Community
In 2005, almost by accident, The Summit Church moved to a multi-site strategy. We made...
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