I Believe in God… Why Do I Still Have So Much Anxiety?

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Show Notes: 

What would you say makes you more anxious than anything else? Money, work, being alone, losing someone you love?

In this episode of “12 Truths & A Lie,” Pastor J.D. addresses an emotion that we’ve all felt (and that all of us would like to feel less often)-anxiety. We know Jesus says we should not be anxious. But Jesus doesn’t just leave us there: He provides a way of healing for the anxious soul.

You’ll learn more about what fuels your anxiety, as well as what you can do to overcome it.

Want to ask J.D. a question? Head to our Ask Me Anything hub to submit your question. We’ll pick Ask Me Anything back at the end of the year.

As always, don’t forget to rate and review this podcast!

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