Only Two Things Last Forever
When we live with the wisdom that makes the most of our short time, then...
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Sexual Abuse, Southern Baptist Churches, and the Gospel
This week’s W4YW focuses on the recent Houston Chronicle articles about abuse in the SBC,...
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Using Google to Share the Gospel
Jews in Jesus’ day had a hard time understanding how Gentiles could be saved. Gentiles...
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Media Bias, Important Decisions, & Reading When You’re Really Busy
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Your Storms Are Real. But Jesus Is Bigger.
You and I are not facing the same kinds of persecution the Apostle John was...
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The Gospel Shows Us What Creation Cannot: God’s Love
The gospel, you see, shows us something about God that creation could never show us:...
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Sorting Through Marie Kondo, Having Opinions (or Not), & Why Survivors of Abuse Stay Silent
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Two Ways to Suppress the Truth
Paul is saying in Romans 1 that none of us wants to embrace the truth...
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Are You a Spender, Saver, or Steward?
Like the Colossians, we typically express a “Jesus and …” mentality by thinking that in...
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Resources on Abortion, Homosexuality, and Racism
As a follow-up to this weekend's sermon, here are several resources—about abortion, homosexuality, and racism—from...
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