17 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
In today’s teaching from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. leads us through what is likely a familiar story for many—the story of a tax collector named Zacchaeus whose life was forever changed by a glimpse of Jesus. This man who was despised by many was willing to do whatever it took to see the Savior, and as a result, the grace offered by Jesus changed not just his behavior, but his heart.
16 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
We may recognize the time, treasure, and talents God has given us, but have we asked God for his purpose in giving them to us? Pastor J.D. continues to teach in this message about investing our lives in God’s kingdom by sharing what keeps so many of us from investing our resources wisely
13 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
In this message from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. looks at the parable of the ten minas, where we see that, likewise, sowing a harvest with our resources can also involve risk. But when the risk is for the building up of God’s kingdom, it’s always worth it.
12 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
The way to reap a bountiful harvest is not by collecting and spending but by giving and trusting. Pastor J.D. continues in this message to show how living like Christ, not money, is what brings happiness by looking at five laws of the harvest.
11 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
In this message from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. looks at one of the most revolutionary principles in all of Jesus’ teaching—the “law of the harvest.” It’s as simple as it is profound: As you give, it will be given to you. Sounds wise enough, maybe even encouraging.
10 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
Because Jesus rose from the dead, we know what’s coming, and we know that only what’s done for the sake of the gospel will last—and that’s why we can let go of the things that will soon have no value for the one thing that has infinite value.
9 December, 2024
Series: Whatever It Takes
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Luke
In this message from the Gospel of Luke, Pastor J.D. walks through the story of a man who missed out on an enormous (actually, an eternal) opportunity—all because he was too afraid to take a risk.
6 December, 2024
Series: All In
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
A lot of people become interested in church because they realize that something is missing from their life. They expect that being a Christian will give them a new sense of purpose, a better family, or comfort during a hard time.
5 December, 2024
Series: All In
Speaker: J.D. Greear
Book: Genesis
Tragically, there are a lot of pastors out there who have used the Bible to manipulate their listeners into giving, promising financial blessing from God as a result. But that’s a far cry from the true heart behind biblical generosity!