Are You A Slave To Sex?
This weekend, in our Can’t Believe series, we’ll be looking at those who “can’t believe”...
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Why we have a high school ministry at the Summit
Studies consistently show that more people come to Christ in middle and high school than...
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Charles Spurgeon’s Sovereignly-Appointed Snowstorm
I shared this story from Charles Spurgeon this weekend as we kicked off our Can't...
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How NOT To Witness
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30 from Summit deployed overseas in last 3 months, 40 more in the pipeline!
Yesterday Curt Alan, our Missions Pastor here at the Summit, gave me this report. Wow....
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Hospitality outside the church matters
This is the second in a two-part follow-up to this weekend’s “Practical Christianity” message from...
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Hospitality in the church matters
This is the first in a two-part follow-up to this weekend’s “Practical Christianity” message from...
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Are you living a Gospel-Centered Marriage?
The following are a collection of quotes from the first  marriage seminar that our Summit...
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The Story of ‘Clara’: “apart from faith in Christ, there is no explanation for such a life”
The following is a powerful story from one of our Summit members who spent several...
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5 Corrosives to Faith
For most believers, the greatest danger to faith is not some cataclysmic event that dramatically...
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