The New York Times on “How People Change”
I ran across a New York Times article this week by David Brooks entitled “How...
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What Makes a Multi-Site Church One Church? – An Article By Dr. John Hammett
SEBTS theologian John Hammett has recently published an article entitled, “What Makes a Multi-Site Church...
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New Testament Warnings About “Losing Salvation”
The following is an excerpt from a book I'll be releasing with B&H Publishing on...
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Thinking about the Election After the Election
We all know now that Barack Obama was re-elected to the office of President last...
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8 Observations About Sacrificial Giving
This weekend we looked at how the people of Israel went All-In as they brought...
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Thinking About the Election
As a rule, I don't get into politics or endorse candidates. My reasoning for abstaining...
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If God doesn’t need our money, then why do we give?
As we continued out All-In series this weekend, we looked at God’s covenant with David...
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10 Theses About Christianity And Homosexuality
I was recently asked to present a short talk about Christianity and homosexuality at The...
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“Pastor J.D., Are You a Calvinist?”
I get this question about once a week. To be honest, I'm actually grateful that...
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Perhaps the clearest story of God’s grace I’ve seen at the Summit
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