Advance The Church 2013
Make sure to book your tickets to Advance 13 today!
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Summit Church Denver – Christmas Update
Just got this update from Bryan Barley with exciting news of what God is doing...
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Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone! This blog will be officially on vacation for the next week, letting...
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The Responsibility and Limits of Government, the Gospel of Jesus, and the Tragedy in Newtown
In the coming days politicians from both sides will debate what measures are appropriate to...
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The Cross Is The Only Answer To Senseless Evil
(This weekend we continued our series through Matthew 1–2 by looking at the story of...
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Above Reproach, Not Unapproachable
Below is a guest post from Katie Persinger, The Summit Church’s Communications Director. She recently...
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Preachers – Do You Need A Week Off?
One of the greatest responsibilities and challenges of pastoring a small church or church plant...
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“Transform” with Elyse Fitzpatrick – A Recap
We recently had the pleasure of hosting a short women's conference--called "Transform--with Elyse Fitzpatrick. Elyse...
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The Beauty of Sharing Jesus’ Death Sentence
We continued our series through Matthew 1–2 this weekend by looking at how Jesus’ birth...
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5 Gospel Truths From Jesus’ Genealogy
Here are five gospel truths we looked at this weekend from Jesus' genealogy in Matthew...
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