A Bevy of Resources: On Submission, Abuse, Parenting, & Work
This weekend’s message covered a lot of ground, but we recognize that it also has...
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God Chose Us Anyway
When Jesus began his ministry, he fulfilled all the requirements for rabbis who possessed what...
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When Should The Church Make Political Statements?
As a pastor, I often struggle with knowing when and how to speak about politics....
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A Proud Man and a Suffering Girl
Have you ever wondered what God is doing when you can't sense him working? You...
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Are You a Christian or a Disciple?
Let’s do a little word association. What kind of person do you picture when you...
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Heaven Is Not Boring
Many people have a secret fear about heaven: It sounds boring to them—like an eternal...
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With Great Blessing Comes Great Responsibility
I recently heard someone say that she wanted to be a “hilarious giver”—meaning, she wanted...
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What Makes Work “Christian?”
When someone thinks about their work being “Christian,” all kinds of disturbing images come to...
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Four Reasons God Tells You That You’re Chosen
Predestination has to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible. For most...
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Disciples Give More Than They Take
Just a few weeks ago, President Barack Obama ended his term, handing off the highest...
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