W4YW (updated!): Hate Mail, Superman and Jesus, and Young Atheists

Your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading around the web.

Book Review of the Week

Troubled Minds, by Amy Simpson. Reviewed by Michael Mangis. Amy’s book challenges the church to step up its ministry to those struggling with mental illness.

Articles of the Week

Superman Isn’t Jesus; He’s Your Dad, by Joe Carter “Before superheroes became a phenomenon that appealed to all ages and demographics, they were written primarily for young boys and male teens. For us, Spider-Man represented the angsty, smart-mouthed hero we could be in the present—all we needed was a radioactive spider bite. Batman represented the brooding, brilliant hero we could be in the future—all we needed was training and a few billion dollars. But Superman was different. He didn’t represent us so much as a hero from our past, the first superhero we ever admired—our fathers.”

Superman Isn’t Jesus, Alicia Cohn. (He’s just a MIdwestern good ol’ boy) This one is considerably less inspiring than the above, but a good read nonetheless.

Get Rid of These 6 Things, Tim Challies.

Listening to Young Atheists: Lessons for a Stronger Christianity, Larry Alex Taunton, The Atlantic.

Haters Gonna Hate: How to Deal with 3 Kinds of Hate Mail, David Murray.

The Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting, Michael Hyatt.


On The Lighter Side

“Real Actors Read Yelp Reviews”

I’ll never read online reviews the same way again.