Wisdom For Your Weekend: Hashtags, Sex, & Bus Drivers

Your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading around the web.

Video of the Week

How Should I Think About Lust After the Death of My Spouse? Brad Hambrick

Articles of the Week

The Thing About Sex, Tim Challies.

Is There a Distinctively ‘Christian’ Way to Be a Bus Driver? Justin Taylor. Yes . . . and no. It depends what you’re asking.

Hashtags Won’t Heal Us, Jen Pollock Michel. “I’m just not so sure that our social media can handle the messy complexity of grief. Not only does social media tend to promote artificiality, but media is inherently impatient, predatory for today’s breaking stories. Those who grieve, however, need friends willing to lag behind—in yesterday’s news.”

Why I Pray Publicly for Other Churches, Greg Gilbert. Even though we rarely pray for the other churches in our city, we share Greg’s heart in this.

Why Do People Still Bother to Marry? From Andrew Cherlin, professor of sociology and public policy at Johns Hopkins, this is an interesting analysis of our society’s view of marriage. According to Cherlin, Americans no longer view marriage as the first step in adulthood or as a necessary environment for raising children. Instead, marriage is the capstone of personal success, a mark that a person really has their life together.

On The Lighter Side

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