W4YW: Warnings for Your 20s, C.S. Lewis’ Writing Advice, & Ways Churches Get Off Mission

Wisdom For Your Weekend: your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading (and watching) around the web.

App of the Week

Joshua Project. We don’t highlight many apps ‘round these parts. But if you’re looking to engage in missions, this app offers an excellent start. Joshua Project exists to “bring definition to the unfinished task,” by identifying the unreached people groups around the world. The resources they provide are incredible, and the app highlights a different unreached people group for you to pray for every day.

Articles of the Week

12 Proven Productivity Hacks to Help You Win Every Day, Michael Hyatt. Some of this is pretty obvious, and some of it is a little more counterintuitive. But it’s all helpful. If you feel like your day’s “best laid plans” lie in tattered ruins every day (usually it hits you around lunch time), then you might benefit from these tips. You can’t stop the tornado that is your schedule, but you can get ahead of it. And Hyatt is here to help.

Four Warnings for Your Twenties, Marshall Segal. This article is a winner, if only for this little gem in the introduction: “The experience of reading [the Old Testament] can be a little like watching grandma use a smartphone. She knows it can do a lot more than she does with it, but she’s at a loss without someone showing her (seven or eight times) how to take a picture, turn on Bluetooth, or listen to a podcast.” Segal sits down with those of us who are, biblically speaking, “grandma with a smartphone.” And he offers four timeless warnings, things that happened to the people of Israel, but happened so that we would learn from their costly mistakes.

15 Pieces of Writing Advice from C.S. Lewis, Justin Taylor. If we all wrote as clearly as C.S. Lewis, the world would be a much more beautiful place. Fortunately for us, Lewis hasn’t left us guessing how he did what he did. Learn from the master, who offers 14 pieces of excellent advice. (Yes, I [Chris] slightly disagree with one of these. But I won’t tell which one.)

10 Common Ways Churches Get Off Mission, Jared Wilson. Jesus didn’t institute his church to be a “holy huddle” that hides from the world and bemoans how terrible culture is getting. He created the church for a mission. But it’s easy to lose sight of that, and Wilson shines a light on some of the most common ways we let God’s “Plan A” for the world become a religious social club.

On The Lighter Side

What Your Coffee Says About Your Theology, Jesse Carey. Find your beverage of choice, and let your theology follow. (That’s in the Bible somewhere, right?) Also, I wonder what it says about your theology if you aren’t into coffee at all. Is tea a Muslim-theology kind of drink? 

Wisdom For Your Weekend is presented to you by Chris Pappalardo, with occasional guidance from J.D. Greear. This is our attempt to reflect Proverbs 9:9: “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.”