Wisdom For Your Weekend: your weekly installment of things we’ve been reading around the web.
Video of the Week
“The Influence of C.S. Lewis,” Tim Keller & John Piper. For someone who was “not a theologian,” C.S. Lewis sure has had a lot of theological impact. Piper interviews Keller about what made Lewis so distinct and why he has had such a lasting influence on Keller’s ministry.
Articles of the Week
Jesus Loves the Little Children…But I Don’t, Kate Shellnutt. “Some of the most unabashedly childfree won’t keep their preferences secret when faced with rambunctious offspring. They’ll tell you in a ‘no-offense,’ joking tone: ‘That’s why I’m never having kids.’ Or, ‘Aren’t you sick of them?’ Deep down, they mean it. . . . There are plenty of single people and childless people who love kids, but for a while, I was not one of them. Never struck with baby fever, I distanced myself from children and occasionally repeated smug lines about the perks and freedoms of childlessness.”
In Defense of Victoria Osteen (Kinda), David Murray. A few weeks ago, to use Murray’s words, “Victoria Osteen spoke and the world shook.” Al Mohler was one of many who joined in critiquing Osteen’s viral video on the grounds that “happiness cannot bear the weight of the Gospel.” Murray enters the discussion with a slight nuance, defending Osteen (or, really, defending happiness) with the unlikeliest of allies—John Calvin.
Being Pro-Choice is So 1996, Trevin Wax. You won’t hear as many people define themselves as “pro-choice” these days. Instead, those in favor of abortion are leaning toward the language of “reproductive rights.” Is this just another marketing shift? Not completely. As Wax points out, the change in vocabulary lines up with an emerging (and disturbing) agenda of in-your-face abortion talk. No longer “safe, legal, and rare,” this new agenda wants abortion to be common and celebrated.
When I Die, Put Me in the Ground, Mike Leake. One of the most influential books I’ve ever read was by a poet/undertaker, reflecting on what he called his “dismal” trade. (I promise, it’s anything but a dismal read.) Since then, I’ve mulled over the merits of burial verses cremation. I eventually came down on the side of burial for the same reason Leake does in this thoughtful article—because it’s the best way to love the family that is left behind.
On The Lighter Side
What Type of Procrastinator Are You? [Flowchart!] Mihir Patkar. Hey, you’re already here procrastinating about something. Why not check this link out to find out why you’re being such a slacker? (For the record, I’m the “indecisive” type. And I wear it proudly.)