Some Help in Praying the Psalms

This weekend I preached on a pretty heavy text—Psalm 88. Brad Hambrick, our Pastor of Counseling, offered some additional resources to help people who might be struggling through some of the “What now?” questions emerging from that message. Below are several relevant blog posts that expand and deepen my points from this weekend. (For more, check out Brad Hambrick’s blog.)

Romans 8:28 Blogs

I mentioned Brad’s insights into Romans 8:28 as it relates to the experience of suffering. Here are a couple of his posts that I was drawing on:

When the Holy Spirit Prays for You

Guilt Math in an Incomplete Story with Romans 8:28

Praying Psalms

Near the end of my message, I mentioned the practice of personalizing Psalms as a way of praying God’s word—even writing some of your own “psalms.” Here are several samples from Brad that might help you with this practice:

-Shame: Psalm 3 SHAME_Psalm3_casestudy_Hambrick

-Anger: Psalm 39 ANGER_Psalm39_casestudy_Hambrick

-Parental Discouragement: Psalm 107 PARENT_DISCOURAGE_Psalm107_casestudy_Hambrick

-Gratitude: Psalm 116 GRATITUDE_Psalm116_casestudy_Hambrick

-Living with Liars: Psalm 120 LIARS_LIVINGwith_Psalm120_casestudy_Hambrick

-Workaholic: Psalm 127 WORKAHOLIC_Psalm127_casestudy_Hambrick

-Ongoing Trials: Psalm 138 TRIALS_ONGOING_Psalm138_casestudy_Hambrick

-Insecurity: Psalm 139 INSECURITY_Psalm139_casestudy_Hambrick

Depression-Anxiety Seminars

Some people listening this weekend might sense the need for a more thorough response to the pain in their lives. Some of Brad’s upcoming seminars go into detail about how to rely on the gospel for hope and peace during dark and painful seasons of life:

Date: Saturday September 27
Time: 4:00 to 7:30 pm
Location: The Summit Church, Brier Creek South Venue
Address: 2415-107 Presidential Drive; Durham, NC 27703
Cost: Free

Sam James Institute Forum
Date: Tuesday September 30
Time:  7:30 to 8:30 pm
Location: The Summit Church, Brier Creek South Venue
Address: 2415-107 Presidential Drive; Durham, NC 27703
Cost: Free
RSVP: Link will be posted at

Date: Saturday October 18
Time: 4:00 to 7:30 pm
Location: The Summit Church, Brier Creek South Venue
Address: 2415-107 Presidential Drive; Durham, NC 27703
Cost: Free
RSVP: Link will be posted at