Martin Luther King, Jr., The “Good Part” of Old Age, & Calvinism in the SBC
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Your Midlife Crisis, Black Reformers, & Evangelicalism After Billy Graham
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Racial Reconciliation and Cultural Diversity in the SBC
Fifty years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. looked ahead and boldly declared that God’s desire...
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A Quiet Black Exodus, Raising Successful Kids, & Fighting Off Mountain Lions
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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The Perils of Sarcasm, Marrying at 20, & Why Aren’t Men Reading Women Authors?
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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Confirmation Bias Is a Sin Problem, Deconversion Stories, & Teach Boys to Respect Women
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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The Best of Dr. George Yancey
Last week our staff and our church had the privilege of hearing from sociologist and...
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Beyond the Black-White Binary, Responding to Sexual Abuse, & Empathizing with Your Political Foes
Wisdom for Your Weekend: Your regular installment of what we've been reading (and watching) from...
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#MLK50: A Mountaintop Prayer and a Mountaintop Moment
Fifty years ago, Dr. King looked ahead and boldly declared that God’s desire for racial...
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Bearing the Burdens of the Broken
Most of us want to give to others without being burdened. We think we’ve earned...
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